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Contact us if you need a pillow by email or call 256-767-0019. We will mail free of charge anywhere in the United States or if you know a cancer center that would benefit several, we would be happy to do that also.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Back again

Well, I canceled by blog for awhile because I did not have anything to say. But so much has been happening, I decided to bring it back.
I feel I gave up too soon.
We have given over 500 pillows since March, 2008. I just can't believe it.
The sad part is, the number of cancer patients seems to be growing. I hear of more and more people needing these pillows.
I saw today that we are not the only ones doing this. I am so thankful for that.
It is awesome how God supplies the needs, whatever it is, where ever it is.
I don't know if anyone reads this, but know that if you or anyone you know has cancer, we will ship (free of charge) a pillow to help them.
One man was not wearing his seatbelt because it hurt too much. He was stopped by the Highway Patrol (who was doing his job) and was given a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt. He was so happy to get a pillow. It was going to save him another ticket.

Thanks for listening.

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